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The precise technical term for the center point of a circle ... used by the most seasoned professionals in the field of Classical Geometry ... is "Center". If you throw that term around in casual conversation, you too will get a lot of respect.

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Q: What do you call the center point of a circle?
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What do you call a line that passess through a circle at exactly one point?

The diameter of a circle passes through the center of a circle at its center point

What do you call the center of a circle?

Its simply called the "center point" or "center". There is no fancy term for it.

What do you call the point that is equidistant from all points on a circle?

the center

What do you call the point from which all points on a circle are equally distant?

EquidistantIt's called the center or origin of the circle. All points on a circle are equidistant from the center

What is the center point of a circle?

The point from which the circle is drawn IS the center.

What part of a circle connects its center to a point on the circle?

The line from the center of a circle to a point on the circle is the radius.

What is the distance between the center of a circle and a point on the circle?

The radius is the distance between the center of a circle and a point on the circle

What part of a circle connects it's center to a point on the circle?

The line from the center of a circle to a point on the circle is the radius.

What is the point from where an azimuth originate?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

What shape does a circle have?

A circle has a round shape in which every point on the circle is the same distance from one point called "the center". The center of a circle is not on the circle.

What is a center point in a circle?


What is a point equidistant from every point of the circle?

It is the center of the circle