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Reciprocals, like 2 and 1/2, have a product of 1.

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Q: What do you call the number that when multiplide by andother number results in a product of 1?
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What is a negative product?

A product that results in a negative number such as multiplication of a positive number with a negative number resulting in a negative number, a negative product.

Can the number 3 be multiplide by 1 to 1 equals in factors?

Both. 3 is a multiple of 1. 3 is a factor of 9.

What is a number that results from multiplying a particular number with any other number?

the number that results is a PRODUCT. multiplying any two figures will always result in a product of those two figures as such multiplying a PARTICULAR NUMBER by ANY NUMBER does not change anything, they still result in a PRODUCT of those two numbers.

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The product of two negative numbers results in a positive number.

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The one that results in a positive number.

When you multiply and number by 0 the product is 0?

Yes. Multiplying any number by zero results in zero.

Is there a number that gives a product of 1 when its multiplied by 0?

No. Any number multiplied by zero results in zero.

What number results if -9 is subtracted from the product of 2 and -5?

-10 - (-9) = -1

The product of 2 and 9?

The product of two numbers is the number that results when they are multiplied by each other. So the product of 2 and 9 = 2 * 9, or 18.

What type of results when a negative number is multipled by a positive number and vise versa?

If two numbers have different signs, then their product is negative. If two numbers have the same sign, then their product is positive.

What type of number results when a negative number is multiplied by a positive number and vise versa?

The product of two numbers with opposite signs is always negative.