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If you are dealing with a set with an even number of data, like the one below:

{1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 7}

you can find the median by taking the average (mean) of the middle two values. For this example, the middle to values are 4 and 6, and the average of those two numbers is 5. So the median is 5.

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Q: What do you do if there are 2 middle numbers to find the median?
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How do you find the median of a set of numbers with 2 middle numbers?

Take the average of the two middle numbers.

How do you find the median of 4 numbers?

take the 2 middle numbers, add them together, then divide by 2 and that number is your median.

How is the median calculated?

the median is the middle value of a set of numbers. Thus if you wanted to find the median of a group of numbers, you can organize them in numerical order, and find which is the middle term (if it is an even set of numbers, in which you have two middle numbers, add the two together and than divide it by 2).

How do you find the median if there is no middle number?

Add the two middle numbers and divide your answer by 2

Can there be a median with 6 numbers?

yes, there can be. Just find the median like you normally would, except when you get to the middle 2 numbers, add them together, and divide by 2. This is the median.

How to find the missing number if median is given?

The median is the middle number. If there is an odd number of numbers in the set, the median is the middle number, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is the missing number. If there is an even number of numbers in the set, the median is the average of the two middle numbers, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is one of those two numbers. If it is, you can take the median and the one of the two numbers you know. Use the formula (# +#)/2=median and solve.

How do you find the median if you are stuck between two numbers in the middle?

Take the two numbers in the middle and divide by 2 ( that is the average of those two middle numbers). For example if the two middle numbers are 7 and11 the median is 9

What do you do when you have 2 numbers in the middle for median?

If they are the same numbers, it is that number if they are 2 different numbers, the median is the average of those 2 numbers ( the number directly in the middle of the 2 numbers )

What is the median between 500 and 1 million?

To find the median of an even number of values, you need to take the mean of the 2 middle numbers. Since there is only 2 numbers, take the mean to find the median. The median is (500 + 1M)/2 = 500250.

The median of a set of numbers?

a median is the number in the middle of the set. if you come down to 2 numbers, find the number in between those two.

How do you find the median when theres two middle numbers?

For an even number of data points the median is the average of the middle two values. I.e. add the two numbers and divide by 2.

How do you find the median in mathematics?

List the numbers in order. If there is an ODD number of numbers, the median is the number in the middle (eg if there are 11 numbers listed, the median is the (11+1)÷2 = 6th number). If there is an EVEN number of numbers, the median is the mean of the middle two (eg if there are 12 numbers listed, the median is the mean of the (12÷2) = 6th and the 6th+1 = 7th numbers, ie (6th+7th)÷2.)