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Rollin Wiegand

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4y ago
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14y ago


0 + 100 = 100

1 + 99 = 100

2 + 98 = 100


49 + 51 = 100

so 50 x 100 + 50(the middle number not paired up) = 5,050

this technique will work for any group of consecutive numbers

if even then total = (N/2) x (N+1)

if odd then total = (N/2 round up) x N

if you had the question: add all numbers from 624 to 1234

find total for 1234 and subtract the total for 623

1234 total = (1234/2) x (1234+1) = 617 x 1235 = 761995

623 total = (623/2 round up) x 623 = 312 x 623 = 194376

final answer = 761995 - 194376 = 567619

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