It depends what the number is:
f the number is not zero you get an error as it cannot be done.
If the number is zero you get any number you want. This is used in calculus as the limit of a division where the dividend and divisor both tend towards zero: the limit is zero divided by zero, but as the numbers tend towards zero the division tends towards a value. For example, if a chord is drawn on a circle as one point moves towards the other, the slope of the cord (as calculated by the gradient between the two end points) tends towards the slope of the tangent at the point which is not moving - when the points coincide you have zero divided by zero and this is the slope of the tangent at the point!
Any number you Divide or Multiply by 0, will always Equal 0.
undefined. you cannot divide by 0.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Any number other than 0 itself may properly be the denominator of a fraction in which 0 is the numerator, and the value of any such fraction will always be zero.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Yes, if we divide 0 by 0 the answer will be any number, because 0 times any number is 0.
Any number you Divide or Multiply by 0, will always Equal 0.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
undefined. you cannot divide by 0.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
If you divide a whole number by 15, the remainder can be any number between 0 and 14.
You CAN'T divide by zero.
It is possible to divide 0 by any number that is not zero because it is just zero of that number, like 1/7 is one seventh of one, 0/7 is zero sevenths of one. You can not divide any number by zero, however. 7/0 is considered undefined.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
NoA:Yes, you can divide 0 by anything, but you will still get 0.example, 0 divided by 386 equals 0.But you cannot divide by 0.example, 386 divided by 0 is undefined. It cannot be done.
The only such number is 0, and the answer in each case is 0.For a number other than zero, dividing it by any number will not always result in a whole number.
You can divide any real number by any other real number, as long as you don't divide by zero.