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I get 6.

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Q: What do you get when you use your caculator to divide 84 by 14?
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What do you get when you use your calculator to divide 84 by 14?


What do you get when you use your calculator to divide 84 by 14 what does this tell you about 14 and 84?

You will get 6. This tells you that 14 divides equally into 84 and therefore is a factor of 84, as is 6. It also tells you that 84 is a multiple of 14.

How do you divide 84 into 6 equals?


What do you get when using a caculator for 84 divided by 15?


What number divides into 14 and 84?

1, 2, 7 and 14 all divide into both 14 and 84, without leaving a remainder.

What does the calculator tell you when you try to divide 84 by 14?

Try it!

What is the LCM of the numbers 14 and 21 mean?

The LCM of 14 and 21 is 42. What this means is that 42 is the smallest whole number such that both 14 and 21 divide into it (without remainder). Both 14 and 21 divide into 84, for example, so 84 is a common multiple. But 42 is smaller than 84 so 84 is not the least.

How do you use the prime factorization tree for 84?

84 42,2 21,2,2 7,3,2,2

What can you divide 84 by?

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 21, 28, 42, 84.

What to you get when you use your calculator to divide 84 by 15?


What do you get when you use your calculator to divide 84 by 15?

When I use my calculator, I get 5.6great answer :)

How do you find the prime factor of 84?

Use a factor tree. 84 42,2 21,2,2 7,3,2,2