A theodolite is a measuring device so without more information, that question is pretty much unanswerable.
12mm + 12cm
12cm = 12 cm
theodolite is a surveying instrument.It is is used for measure the horizontal & vertical angles also.parts of theodolite trivet,upper plate lower plate,plomb bob,telescope,vernierscale,leveling screw,tribrach,etc.,
12cm : 1.2 cm = 10 : 1
10cm x 7cm x 12cm =840 square cm3
Father of Theodolite
Transit and non-transit theodolite.
advantage and disadvantage of theodolite
Theodolite light is the correct spelling
principle of theodolite is based on the principle of trigonometry.
1728 cm cubed
least count of theodolite is 1 second
5 mm is the least count of theodolite.
A theodolite measures angles and axis needed for site surveying. The horizontal and vertical angles are measured using a theodolite. A theodolite is actually a mounted telescope used in building.
A theodolite that shows a digital rather than analogue display.
12mm + 12cm
12cm = 12 cm