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A kilometre is quite a long unit of measurement. For this reason you would use it to measure large things on earth. For example:

  • The distance between cities
  • The length of a coastline
  • How far a train journey is
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Q: What do you measure in kilometres?
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Which unit would be used to measure the distance a train travels 2 hrs?

Kilometres. Kilometres. Kilometres. Kilometres.

a race can be measure in kilometres?

Correct, the length of a race can be measured in kilometres.

Does a car measure miles or killometers?

a car does not measure miles or kilometres you do

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What unit of measure would be used to measure the area of an ocean?

Cubic kilometres.

What do kilometres per hour measure?

Speed and distance.

What is the unit to measure the capacity of a dam?

Cubic kilometres.

What customary unit is used to measure the length of a river?

The basic metric unit for length is the metre. Rivers would be measure in kilometres (1,000s of metres)

What Things you measure in kilometres?

Kilometres are comparable to Miles. You can measure long distances such as the distance between two cities, etc. 1 kilometre equals 0,62 miles.

What measure do you used the measure of area of big cities?

You would use square kilometres.

How many km in two and a half k?

K and km are abbreviations used for the same measure - kilometres. Therefore, 2.5 kilometres is equal to 2.5 kilometres.

Can you compare gallons and kilometers?

No. They measure different things. Gallons measure liquids and kilometres measures distance. The only connection is measuring how many kilometres you can travel per gallon.