225 cannot be factorised into the product of only 3 prime numbers.
To solve this, multiply the two numbers together. You can use a calculator or you can do it by hand: 45 X 5 = 225
7.5% of 225= 7.5% * 225= 0.075 * 225= 16.875
1 x 225 = 225
Multiply them: 2/3*225 = 150
They are: 3*3*5*5 = 225
Multiply it by 100 to change it into a percentage
To find the percentage, divide 38 by 225 and multiply by 100. So, 38/225 * 100 ≈ 16.89%.
3 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 225
To convert 22.5 to percent multiply by 100: 22.5 × 100 = 2,250%
0.225 kg is equal to 225 grams.
To convert any fraction to a percentage multiply it by 100. 81/225 = 81/225 x 100 % = 36 %
225 cannot be factorised into the product of only 3 prime numbers.
Multiply 225 times 1.8 then add 32. 437 degrees Fahrenheit