'e' is the letter used to represent the irrational number 2.71828 18284 59045 23536... . For further information, see the related links.
In statistics it could mean the sum of the values for the y-variable.
A shape with a lot of sides and angles.
There is no specific meaning to rdw in mathematics.
Mathematics has lots of practical applications, if that's what you mean.
A variance is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out around its mean.
It is the base of a log e=2.718281828
Natural Log; It's a logarithm with a base of e, a natural constant.
Math's (as in, "math's a difficult subject for some people").
M. E. Wardle has written: 'Basic mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics
David E. Penney has written: 'Perspectives in mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics
J. E. Dean has written: 'Essentials of mathematics..' -- subject(s): Mathematics
Robert E. Rector has written: 'Finite mathematics and its applications' -- subject(s): Mathematics
E. J. James has written: 'Oxford secondary mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics
James E. Deitz has written: 'Contemporary business mathematics for colleges 12E' -- subject(s): Business mathematics 'Contemporary business mathematics for colleges' -- subject(s): Business mathematics
N. E. W. Chapman has written: 'Interface mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics
E. G. Kogbetliantz has written: 'Fundamentals of mathematics from an advanced viewpoint' -- subject(s): Mathematics
Clarence E. Taylor has written: 'Mathematics for nursing' -- subject(s): Mathematics, Nursing, Problems, exercises