It is µm. µ stands for micro which is x10-6 and m stands for meter. So it is easy to see µm which means micrometer.
Money making machine
m to the second power means multiply m by itself, or m x m.
A set of numbers will have a mean, which is defined as the sum of all the values divided by the number of values. Suppose this mean is m. For each of the values, the squared deviation is the square of the difference between that value and m. Algebraicly, if you have a set {x1, x2, x3, ... , xn}, whose mean is m, then the squared deviation from the mean for x1 is (x1 - m)2.
Do you mean TEXAS A & M ?
S=Sado M=Masochism = sadomasochism
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Flags can be of any size.
it is 200 metres long.
metric system
Twin; 38 x 74
litters are liquid mesurement and yards are length mesurements
Temperature is measured using a thermometer.
the accurate mesurements for a ruler is 12 inches or 1 foot
What is the mesurements for a brooder box and how many chicks can be in one box
In LEM what does the M mean
That's not a cube. You might want to put the mesurements of the shape as well...