it is Russian or German standard of gold purity; which is about 76% of pure gold. Equal to 18K gold
There are no two such numbers. 185 is equal to 185. No other number is equal to 185.
what two numbers equal 253
2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
Two numbers that equal 136 are 136/1 and 0.007352941.
18 K
750 stands for 18k gold.
6 separate 18kOhm resistors wired in series make a total resistance of:18k+18k+18k+18k+18k+18k which is 108 kOhm.6 separate 18kOhm resistors wired in parallel make a total resistance of:1/[(1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k)] which is 3 kOhm.
How can 2 prime numbers ever be equal They cant be Equal.
it is Russian or German standard of gold purity; which is about 76% of pure gold. Equal to 18K gold
To answer your question directly, 18k is not measured in carats.Your term '18k' is typically used to describe the purity of gold. In this case, 18k indicates that 18/24ths of the metal mix is gold, 24k, therefore, being pure gold. These karats are spelled karat.For a diamond, 18 carats indicates the weight of the diamond, one carat being equal to .20 grammes. These carats are spelled carat.
what two numbers equal 174
what does 18K SAC mean in a ring
The weight ratio between sterling silver and 18k gold is approximately 13:1. This means that 18k gold is about 13 times heavier than an equal volume of sterling silver.
the three prime numbers that equal 17 are _+_+_=17
There are no two such numbers. 185 is equal to 185. No other number is equal to 185.
what two numbers equal 253