A centime is a unit of currency, formerly used in France and Belgium, but also used in Switzerland, Algeria, and Morocco.
Note that the major unit of currency in Switzerland is called the franc, the major unit in Algeria is the dinar, and the major unit in Morocco is the dirham.
100 cents is equal to 1 dollar.
100 million is not equal to 1 billion
7/100 is equal to 0.07.
Yes, a century does equal a 100 years.
Yes. Every number is equal to itself (and to no other number).
100 centimes were equal to one franc
100 centimes for 1 franc The name 'centime' is now used for the subdivision of the Euro. In French, €1 = 100 centimes.
The former French monetary unit equal to 100 centimes is known as the franc.
100 centimes = $1
The currency in Switzerland is the Swiss frank (or franc), divided into 100 Rappen (or centimes).
There is no such thing as a "Switzerland dollar". The currency in Switzerland is the Swiss frank (or franc), divided into 100 Rappen (or centimes).
Haiti has coins in centimes and gourdes, which is kind of like cents and dollars. There are 100 centimes in each gourdes.
Until they were replaced by the Euro in 2001, 1 French Franc contained 100 centimes.
Comoran Franc, divided into 100 centimes.
100 satang
The currency of Switzerland is the Swiss frank (or franc), divided into 100 Rappen (or centimes).
1 euro = 100 cents (of euro)