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A guinea was 21 shillings = 1 pound 1 shilling

So 10 guineas was 10 x 21 shillings = 10 pounds 10 shillings

A shilling was 12d and 1 pound was 240d ⇒ 1 shilling was 12/240 = 1/20 pound

At decimalization in 1971, £1 = 100p = 240d ⇒ 1 shilling = 1/20 x 100p = 5p

⇒ 10 pounds 10 shillings = £10 + 10 x 5p

= £10.50 in decimal currency.

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Q: What does 10 guineas mean in currency?
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What was the currency in the 1820s?

if you are referring to the English currency in the 1820's, then it was guineas.

How much money is 100 guineas?

100 Guineas is £105 in todays money. 1 Guinea is approximately £1 and 5 pence in todays currency.

504 Pennies equals how many Guineas?

A Guinea is 21 Shillings in the old predecimal British currency. There are 252 Pennies in a Guinea, therefore 504 Pennies is Two Guineas.

How much would be 5 guineas 2 shillings 2 florins and 12 pennies be in decimal currency?

All of these denominations beloing to the old redundant British predecimal currency system used by many of the British Empire/Commonwealth countries. 5 Guineas (105 Shillings) - converted to £5.25 in decimal currency. 2 Shillings (1 Forin) - converted to £0.10 in decimal currency. 2 Florins (4 Shillings) - converted to £0.20 in decimal currency. 12 Pence (1 Shilling) - converted to £0.05 in decimal currency.

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What does two guineas equal?

when first made, 1 guinea was 20 shillings which was £1 it then became 30 shillings A guinea was worth 21 shillings, so 2 guineas was worth 42 shillings, which was 2 pounds and 2 shillings (£2.10p in todays currency).

If something is worth 10-12 guineas how much is that in US Dollars?

A guinea was an old unit of British currency worth 21 shillings (£1 1s). Translated to modern currency it would be £1.05, but exchange rates have changed radically over the decades. Without knowing when the item in your question was priced it's not possible to translate to USD.

When was Three Guineas created?

Three Guineas was created in 1938.

When was Rosehill Guineas created?

Rosehill Guineas was created in 1910.

When do Guineas lay eggs?

Guineas begin laying eggs in April or May.

Do raccoons eat guineas?

Raccoons will kill and eat any bird, guineas included.

How much is 5 pounds in guineas?

Approximately 4.76 guineas. The guinea is an old British monetary unit that's no longer in use*. It was equivalent to 21 shillings, or £1.05 in modern decimal currency. 5 / 1.05 = 4.76, roughly. (*) For various historical reasons guineas eventually were used to express prices of posh, upmarket items while everything else was in pounds and pence. Even though the denomination has been out of use for many decades, extremely high-end goods may very occasionally have prices shown in guineas to express just how limited and special they (supposedly) are.