For a number such as 347.213 it means ignoring all places to the right of the decimal point except the first - hence 347.2
However if the next number (in this case the second number after the point, is 5 or more, then it is more accurate to advance the first number by 1. So 347.263 would be quoted as 347.3, simply because that is closer to the original than 347.2
This business is called "rounding to 1 decimal place", or simply "rounding"
decimal place
I need what is the decimal place is mean
what is 8.99 rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 49.3 to 1 decimal place because .25 is rounded up to .3
It is: 19.1 to one decimal place
decimal place
I need what is the decimal place is mean
Rounded to the tenths' place.23.49=23.54.9
It is already in 1 decimal place
When rounding 3.25 to 1 decimal place, you look at the second decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the first decimal place. Therefore, 3.25 rounded to 1 decimal place is 3.3.
11.95 to 1 decimal place is 12.0.
7.29 to 1 decimal place is 7.3.
what is 8.99 rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 10.7 when rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 4.5 rounded to 1 decimal place