Ounces are used both as units of mass/weight (older units normally did not clearly distinguish between the two), and as units of volume. There are also variations between different country. The most common use is as a unit of mass/weight; in this case, one ounce is 1/16 of a pount; usually about 28 grams.
If you mean volume of dry measure, 2 cups is 8 x 2 = 16 ounces. But if you mean weight 2 cups weighs about 282 grams, according to pancake package, or 0.62 pounds, or .62 x 16 = 9.9 ounces
2 pounds : 18 ounces = 32 ounces : 18 ounces = 32:18 = 16:9
1 pound = 16 ounces 2 pounds = 32 ounces 4 ounces = (4 / 32) = 1/8th of 2 pounds
2 pounds, 3 ounces
one gram equals to 0.035274 ounces. 2 grams equals to 0.0705479 ounces.
I'm assuming you mean 15.5 fluid ounces. 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces. So, 15.5 ounces is just under 2 cups.
2 oz stands for 2 ounces, which is a unit of weight measurement. It is equivalent to about 56.7 grams.
If you mean volume of dry measure, 2 cups is 8 x 2 = 16 ounces. But if you mean weight 2 cups weighs about 282 grams, according to pancake package, or 0.62 pounds, or .62 x 16 = 9.9 ounces
1 lb = 16 ounces 2 lbs = 32 ounces and add the 2 ounces to get 34 ounces
Assuming you mean weight ounces and not fluid ounces, 16 ounce = 1 pound therefore 32 ounce weight & 2 pound weight are exactly the same.
2.5 mL equates to approximately 0.0845 fluid ounces.
A standard drink refers to (a) 12 ounces of beer, (b) five ounces of wine or (c) 1 & 1/2 ounces of distilled spirits.
4 ounces plus 2 ounces is a total of 6 ounces.
0.08 ounces.
There are 128 ounces in 1 gallon. There are 4 quarts in a gallon. Divide 128 by 4 and you get 32. So there are are 32 ounces in 1 quart. Multiply 32 ounces by 2 quarts and you get 64 ounces in 2 quarts total.
2 pounds 9 ounces is 41 ounces.
There are 2 ounces in an eighth of a pound.