420 is the slang term for marijuana use. It is also the date April 20, which stoners have claimed based on the police code 420.
420 is a reference to smoking marijuana. Chances are, they smoke pot.
420 = four hundred twenty.
The term '420' refers to the usage of cannabis. (commonly referred to as marijuana)
Maybe they meant to type "420 friendly" instead? "420 friendly" means you're okay with marijuana.
420 = four hundred twenty.
420 means (in india) fraud For Fraud crimes, 420 section is levied on the person
It means 420 friendly or pot friendly
420 refers to weed most of the time people use 420 friendly meaning marijuana friendlyWeed friendly
420 The catalyst seems inefficient (#1).
Sure you do not mean 420 friendly?
they mean 420 friendly. 420 is the time after school some college students always met for a joint. Therefore 420 friendly means you participate in or don't mind pot smokers.
It is a 420cc motor. Such as a Honda Fourtrax "400" is a 400cc.
It is: 360+520+465+410+420 = 2175/5 = 435 which is the mean average
will smoke weed with you
The term '420' refers to the usage of cannabis. (commonly referred to as marijuana)