If you are talking about factors, 1 and 61, because 61 is a prime number.
61 is a prime number. Its only factors are 1 and 61.
47 times 6 is equal to 282
47 plus 61 is equal to 108.
The number of protons in a atom is equal to the atomic number, therefor Ag has 47 protons. The number of protons and neutrons in an atom is equal to the atomic mass, therefor (108-47= 61) Ag has 61 neutrons. The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons therefor Ag has 47 electrons.
It is 73, 47 over 61.
There are listed two prime numbers, 47 and 61. 112 is not a prime number since it is an even number and can be divided by 2.
61 neutrons 47 protons and 47 neutrons
The only number which is not a prime number in that list is 49 - it is equal to seven squared.
108 - 47 = 61 neutrons 47 = atomic number of silver = number of protons
61 inches is equal to 5.083 feet.
47 is equal to XLVII in Roman numerals.
61 inches is equal to 5 foot 1 inch.