It looks like this: 600,000
It is sixhundred (600) one-thousands(1,000).
So all you have to do is multiply them together.
600 x 1000 = 600,000
To round 681,542 to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place, which is 6. Since the digit in the ten thousand place is 8, we round up the hundred thousand place to 7. Therefore, 681,542 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 700,000.
six hundred thousand (600,000). Look at the digit in the hundred thousand place [5], then look at the digit in the ten-thousand place to decide if you round up [5-9] or keep it the same [0-4]. In this case it is 7, so the 5 rounds up to 6.
6 hundred thousand.
600000 = 600,000
To round 161,280 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 1. Since the digit to the right (6) is 5 or greater, we round up, making it 160,000. To round to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place, which is 1. Since the digit to the right (6) is 5 or greater, we round up, making it 200,000. To round to the nearest thousand, we look at the digit in the thousand place, which is 2. Since the digit to the right (8) is 5 or greater, we round up, making it 162,000.
As a number it is 600 = 6 hundred
5600.Think about it, five thousand and six hundred, put the 5 in the thousand place and the 6 in the hundred place then put zeros everywhere else. look at this chart to help:Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones5 6 0 0
A million has 6 zero's like this, 1,000,000A thousand has 3 zero's like this, 1,000So 6 million and 25 thousand would look like this, 6,025,000
To round 563,626 to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand's place, which is 5 in this case. Since the digit to the right is 6, which is equal to or greater than 5, we round the 5 up to 6. Therefore, 563,626 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 600,000.
To round 681,542 to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place, which is 6. Since the digit in the ten thousand place is 8, we round up the hundred thousand place to 7. Therefore, 681,542 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 700,000.
six hundred thousand (600,000). Look at the digit in the hundred thousand place [5], then look at the digit in the ten-thousand place to decide if you round up [5-9] or keep it the same [0-4]. In this case it is 7, so the 5 rounds up to 6.
It is 600000.
61 hundred, which is 6100, is larger than 6 thousand, which is 6000.
eight thousand, six hundred 8,600
765,903 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand would be 800,000. When rounding to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place, which is 7 in this case. Since the digit in the ten thousand place is 6, which is greater than or equal to 5, we round the hundred thousand place up by 1 to 8, making the number 800,000.
6,008,800 is read as 6 million eight thousand eight hundred.
607900 - well six hundred seven thousand and nine hundred .... you don't pronounce the and between the 6 and 7 thousand.