Its the amout of small squares that show the pic.
The higher the number the better the quality of picture
p still means p in french. it is words that are different
P is a permutation. It is asking for the numbers in the ()'s after it. For exapmle, P(6,4) is 6x5x4 which is 120.
3p means 3 multiplied by the number p. In many cases we will specify what p can and cannot be. For example, maybe p is a prime or p is an integer. 3p can also mean "3 pence", a unit of currency.
There is no information on (1020 x 1080) resolution, however, the difference between (1920 x 1200) vs (1920 x 1080) HDTV resolution are: (1920 x 1200) has a higher resolution and provides a sharper display than the other, it is also more expensive.
There are 2 things to note when talking about HDTV. The first is resolution, which is how "clear" the picture is. This is indicated by the 720 or 1080 part of the number. This is how many pixels tall the screen is. (1080 is a clearer picture, because it is 360 pixels taller). The second part, the "i" and "p" are the type of scan the TV has. "i" stands for interlaced and "p" stands for progressive. Progressive is generally considered to be superior to interlaced. So, the best available TV right now would be a "1080p".
1080i is a term related to high-definition televisions. The 'i' in 1080i stands for 'interlaced', meaning the TV draws lines and interlaces them to show the whole picture. The '1080' in 1080i means there are 1080 lines of resolution.
720 p is a decent resolution for HDTV but most people either watch TV in 1080i (common) or 1080p, (usually for sports or high action programming).
720 p is the abbreviation for a category of HDTV video modes. There are 720 horizontal lines of display. p = progressive (non-interlaced) scan, a method used to reduce flicker.
Yeah, of course they do. I have a 1080p LCD TV that is a 22'' size
No it can be used with any TV that has audio and video inputs. If you have a 1080 P HDTV you will get a better picture and be able to play Blu Ray Discs
High definition television uses one of three common formats - 720p, 1080i and 1080p. Any incoming signal will be delivered to a television in one of the three formats.720p indicates that there are 720 lines in the image. The "p" means "progressive" and a complete image is delivered 50 or 60 times each second.1080i shows that there are 1080 lines. The "i" stands for "interlaced" and the image is sent in two halves so a half image is sent 50 or 60 times each second but the full frame is sent only 25 or 30 times each second.1080p is also made up with 1080 lines but the "p" shows that a full image is delivered 50 or 60 times each second.Broadcasters use 720p or 1080i. These are both full HD signals. Although the 720 line image has a lower resolution, it is updated twice as fast. The data rate for 720p and 1080i is the same. Although 720p is less common than 1080i, it is used by broadcasters for some fast action content such as sports.1080p updates the image at twice the rate of 1080 and therefore uses double the bandwidth. Broadcasters do not send out 1080p and it is restricted to local sources such as Bluray, games consoles etc.
For broadcast signals there are two formats. 1920 x 1080 is one and 1280 x 720 is the other. Although the 1080 line image has more pixels, the 720 line signal updates the image at twice the rate of the 1080 image so the amount of data used for each is the same. They formats are commonly referred to as 1080i and 720p. The i stands for interlaced meaning that the image is updated in two passes of the screen, odd number lines first and then the even numbered lines on the next pass. The p stands for progressive meaning that the image is updated fully in a single pass, hence 720p is updated at twice the rate of 1080i Local sources such as Bluray and games consoles can output 1080p as well as other HD formats. The image is refreshed twice as fast as 1080i but the resolution of the image is identical.
In almost all instances the two screen types* will be defined as "720" and "1080" which denotes either 720 horizontal lines of resolution or 1080. The more pixels there are the higher quality the picture will be, so a television with 1080p will have a higher resolution than a television with 720p. The letter "p" means "progressive" which provides a higher resolution than if you see the letter "i" which means "interlaced". If you have two televisions, one a 720p and the other a 720i, the television with 720p will have a higher resolution. *due to standard screen sizes there is no 700p, only 720i or 720p
basically, p 1080 is a fault code that faults many codes, it faults codes that is a code for a fault, when you get a faulty code you need to un fault it with a code called p 1080, which is a fault code that measures fault codes!
Best buy offers a couple good deals on a TV. Can get a 55 inch 1080 P tv for only 500. Walmart also has a 50 inch TV for under 450 so either one provides a good deal.