9999 = 9999
It does NOT equal '1'
1 = 1
9999 ~ 10,000 (ten thousand)
999/9 = 100
9000 9999-1000 equals 8999 if you add the 1 from 1000 you will get 9000
It equals 1.
1 Gram of .9999% of gold is curently worth $2500.00 considering.
1 plus 9,999 equals 10,000. That is equal to 1,000 x 10.
9999 * 60 = 599,940
To make the equation 7777 + 8888 + 9999 = 9999, you'll need to ensure the sum of the numbers on the left side equals the number on the right side. Unfortunately, mathematically speaking, it's impossible to make that equation work with those specific numbers, as the sum of 7777, 8888, and 9999 will always be greater than 9999, not equal to it.
While some mathemeticians have accepted that .999 repeating does equal 1, it is a very controversial subject and has not been proven true or untrue.
999/9 = 100
9000 9999-1000 equals 8999 if you add the 1 from 1000 you will get 9000
Equals 6
If by "between" you mean "between but not including", then the answer is 9999 - 999 - 1 = 8999.If on the other hand, you mean to include both 9999 and 999, then the answer is 9999 - 999 + 1 = 9001.