Cross multiplication is when you multiply the denominator of a fraction by the numerator of another fraction. Before you cross multiply you want to see if you can simply the fractions.
When comparing or simplifying fractions.
other word tnat mean multiplication
It is the answer that you get in a multiplication problem.
j = 11. cross multiplication
Cross multiplication IS the correct term!
There are two red crosses on the Union Flag. The 'plus' cross is from the English flag and the 'multiplication' crass is from the Ulster flag.
What is the inherent meaning and justification of cross-multiplication as it applies to solving an inequality
Subtraction, division, cross multiplication of vectors, multiplication of matrices, etc.
what do you mean by multiplication
product of multiplication mean the answer to the a multiplication problem. the answer
When comparing or simplifying fractions.
other word tnat mean multiplication
multiplication fact means the truth