The answer depends on the individual measurement in question as well as the mean and standard deviation of the data set.
The 7 in this case would be a modifier in this case this would mean .0000001
A meter is a measurement. 1m = 100cm 1m = 1000mm
Diameter at Breast Height
There are as many trees as you want to have, the trees don't make the acre, the measurement of the land does...
5 years or DBH 100cm or more
Metrology is the science of measurement.
Charles J. Chambers has written: 'Predicting DBH from stump DIB and stump height for second growth Douglas fir' -- subject(s): Douglas fir 'The tariff system, revisions and additions' -- subject(s): Forests and forestry, Measurement 'Comprehensive log scale tree-volume tarif tables for Douglas fir' -- subject(s): Douglas fir, Forests and forestry, Measurement
gives a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean
The measurement of 29m mean the measurement of 29m which is 1 more than 28m.