On a multimeter, DCA stands for Direct Current Amps. A measurement of amperage on a DC circuit.
Google for 84-791 2202 84-791 is the part number for the manual for this model multimeter.
The price fluctuates, but right now, about .75 Bitcoins.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
What does mean mean
the mean is an average of a set of numbers
The code is: DCA
Where can I get copy explaining what the symbols mean on a sperry multimeter and how to use them. Regards Frank
MA or mA on a multimeter designates milliamps, or "thousandths" of an amp of current flow.
The color of shigella in the DCA medium is straw or pink.
The color of salmonella in DCA medium is light to dark pink.
DCA Design International Ltd was created in 1960.
Given the subject matter - my suggestion would be Direct Current Amps.
DCA is (Ronald) Reagan National Airport in Arlington, VA -- just outside of Washington DC.
Virtus Total Return Fund (DCA)had its IPO in 2005.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), Arlington, VA.
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