A minute of angle is one sixtyeth of an angle. If you had a circle and took one degrees out from it. Then you split that into 60 parts. 1 part would be a minute of angle.
universal bevel protactor is an angle measuring instrument which measures acute angle ,obtuse angle as well as it is used to layout an angle. its least count is 5 minute.
The number of degrees in the angle needed to complete a right angle 45 is its own complementary angle. == ==
There is no such thing as a dark angle, I think you mean Dark Angel, the TV series.
A sharp or an acute angle is an angle that is less than 90 degrees in measurement.
Each angle minute is divided into 60 seconds.
Deegre(s) - appro(A)ching - imm(e)diately - speed (.) (full stop) - Minute(s) - DO you mean angle of depression is?
1 minute of an angle is 1/60 of a degree. Minutes have no relationship with meters.
M.o.a. is minute of angle. Double-check to see that isn't what you meant to ask.
22215 pm is not a correct time, what time do you mean? The angle between the hands, if that is what you mean by 'the angle of the clock', does not depend on the length of the hands, so why have you given them? Please make the question clear and resubmit.
1 minute is equal to one sixtieth (or 1/60) of a degree.
5.75 degrees.
minute_deg = minute * 360 / 60 = minute * 6;The hour hand will make a complete revolution every hour, so its formula is:hour_deg = hour * 360 / 12 = hour * 30;A function to find the angle would be:int angleBetweenHands(int hour, int minute){if(hour > 12) // In case of 24 hour clockhour -= 12;int angle = hour * 30 - minute * 6;if(angle > 180)angle = 360 - angle;return(angle);}Read more: C_code_to_find_angle_between_hour_hand_and_minute_hand
straight angle
190 degrees is bit more than a straight angle. If you look at a clock face with the minute hand at 312/3 minutes, then going from 12 o'clock to the minute hand makes an angle of 190 degrees.
1) Where at in Florida? Florida is a long state, and that will account for a large difference in the sun angle. 2) What day and time are you talking about? The sun angle varies from season to season, day to day, and minute to minute.