The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.
What does length mean in math
The only "mathematical" (it's really more geometrical) symbol I can think of fitting the description means "perpendicular."
It might be the missing number.
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
T over 3 could mean T divided my 3
T in the metric unit of weight is ton.
The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.
If you mean the school subject math, simply try to answer a number of problems. Sometimes, people just don`t want to learn. Simple as that!
math fraction in a phrase for t over 12 = t/12
No because in math, there are consonants M,T,and H. Consonants are all the letters in the alphabet besides the vowels. I think you may mean syllable, which math does have only one.
a variable.
What does length mean in math
yes, we have to use math for science if we don;t know math we can't do science
the last time i checked there were no circular bases...only M - A - T - H, mental abuse to humans
It means that the angles have the same measure (for example, in degrees).