unit of measurement
what is KGA in unit of a measurement
Ha is the abbreviation for hectare. hectare is a unit of measurement.
There is no possible answer. A gram is a unit of measurement. There are no 0s in any unit of measurement.
gives a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean
I quess it should be what is a smoot not what does it mean. It is a unit of measurement.
SI is a unit of measuring.
You may mean a unit of measurement equal to to 5.5 yards. Or a unit of square measurement equal to 30.25 square yards
It doesn't mean anything. It is simply a unit of measure.
The basic unit of measurement in rhythm.
unit of measurement
A unit is a type of measurement that has not been determined. Meters, feet and centimeters are types of units.
what is KGA in unit of a measurement
No, a pencil is not a unit of measurement.
If you are measuring temperature, the unit of measurement is either Fahrenheit or Centigrade. If you are measuring height, the unit of measurement could be feet and inches or meters and so on.