A deposit of 24 dollars typically refers to the act of putting money into a bank account or financial institution. This action increases the balance of funds available in the account by $24. Deposits are often made to save money, earn interest, or facilitate transactions such as paying bills or making purchases.
deposit = add withdraw = subtract
You will have 5000 dollars × (1 + 8/100)18 = 19,980 dollars.
3500 grand mean: 3,500 U.S. Dollars
he went to deposit his money in the bank he had to deposit 20 dollars
to deposit money in the bank you need more than what you want do deposit because the bank charges 10% of what you deposit. for example you want to deposit 1000000 dollars, you must posses 1100000 dollars to have the 1000000 dollars put in the bank.
When purchasing a new home, a deposit on the sale price is normally required. When buying a house,10 percent towards deposit paid by vendor means that if, for example, the house cost 200,000 US dollars, a deposit of 20,000 US dollars was paid by the person selling the house.
A cash deposit is when you take actual cash (dollars and coins) to the bank and deposit them.
6 dollars.
1 billion dollars
The address of the Fort Deposit Public Library is: 24 South Pollard Street, Fort Deposit, 36032 0290
24 dollars an hour
10% of 24 dollars = 24.00*10/100 = 2.40 dollars.
Manhattan Island was purchased from the Indians for $24 dollars.
When you rent an apartment the first and last month's rent is required plus security deposit of several hundred dollars. It can cost as much as 1500-2500 dollars to rent an apartment.