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it shows the number of something...

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Q: What does a frequency chart look like?
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What do the intervals in a frequency chart have to be?

Usually the intervals in a frequency chart should be equal.

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What does frequency mean in frequency table?

A frequency table is like a tally chart used to record data. They have their subject and the choices to do from. On the other side they have how many voted or chose that answer.

What is a frequency chart?

A frequency is when a number occurs the most like m i s s i s s i p p i m1 i 4 s 4 p2 i is the frequency

What does a number chart look like that has all the biggest numbers?

A chart like that would look pretty empty, sincethere's no such thing as a "biggest number".

How does a pie chart look like?

i looks circular like

How do you make a tally table and frequency chart?

week frequency cumulative frequency123

What does a table chart look like?

to see the pic of a table chart go to google search and type table chart you will see a lot there

How does a bubble chart look like?

it looks round, kind of like a bubble

What does a pie chart look like?

looks like yo mamas butt

What does a multiplication chart look like?

Multiplication Tablex012345678910111200000000000000101234567891011122024681012141618202224303691215182124273033364048121620242832364044485051015202530354045505560606121824303642485460667270714212835424956637077848081624324048566472808896909182736455463728190991081001020304050607080901001101201101122334455667788991101211321201224364860728496108120132144