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It is something that occurs once in two time units.

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Q: What does a frequency of 0.5 mean?
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If a wave has frequency of 20 Hz what is the period of the wave?

.05 seconds

An amusement park has a frequency of 05 Hz what is the ride's period?

f=1/T, where f is frequency and T is the period. Hence T=1/5 secs

What is a tenth more than 05?

if you mean .05, then a tenth is .1 so it is twice as large as .05.

What is the fire truck siren frequency?

That depends on the type of siren. If you mean a Q then there is no set frequency.

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Cumulative Frequency

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Does what hurt? Do you mean sound?

What does a frecuencia mean in Spanish?

literally, 'to frequency'..

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They differ in formula

What does AM and FM mean?

am is amplitude modulation, fm, frequency modulation

What does f m mean in radio frequency?

FM means frequency modulation, and AM means amplitude modulation.