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Karate is used in math by measuring. Karate measures the length of each stance, and the degrees of each kick and turn. it uses length, height, degrees and distance.

Instructors typically are running a business, which means keeping the complete accounting of all the money received and the bills that have to be paid.

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Q: What does a karate instructor use math for?
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How long does a karate instructor have to go to college?

A karate instructor is not required to have any academic qualifications.

What is a karate instructor?

A sensei.

Why did the karate instructor admire Santa?

He delivered more kicks in one night than the karate instructor did in all his years of teaching!

What math does a karate instructor use?

To run a karate school involves a budget, which is the money associated with paying for the location, services and instructors and the money collected from the students. Determining the cost of lessons requires the teacher to figure out how much everything costs and making it add up to a profit.

What is the name of Dre Parker's instructor in the karate kid?

dre's instructor is g.Han

How do you use math in karate?

Interesting question. Math can be utilized in karate in many different ways. As far as literal math (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication, algebra etc.) there may not be as many examples, but math is seen in karate with the use of angles. When sparring, the use of angles is vital. How a fighter angles their body and strikes on their opponent can be the determining factor in victory or loss. So often in training you will hear comments affiliated with math like "your block is at a 45 degree angle". Math may not be obvious in karate, so its all about reading in between the lines.

How do karate trainers learn?

The same way that any individual trains and learns karate. They study with an instructor.

What is a job that beings with K?

kindergarten teacher karate instructor

Do you talk in karate?

You don't! Listen to the instructor and don't talk.

What does a karate instructor do?

* Teach karate students * Train hard * Go to tournaments * Sparring * Stretch

Who is Taylor lautners martial arts instructor?

His former karate instructor's name is Tom Fabiano.

Who is the chief karate instructor of Oman kbi?

ahmed said alzakwani