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To have a new understanding of life, to stay happy and have a clear meaning on things. Positive. -K

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Q: What does above the line mean?
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What does a line above a number mean in math terms?

The line above the number means in Math Terms that the number is repeditive and goes on and never stops.

What does an o with a line above it mean?

it means negative the medical field

What does ATL mean stamped in a ring?

Above the line Kaisa raha..

What you mean by residual value?

The point lies one unit above the regression line.

What does the line above a vowel mean?

The line above a vowel, also known as a macron, indicates that the vowel is pronounced as a long vowel sound. This means the vowel is held for a longer duration when speaking.

What does numanator and denomanator mean?

these terms are used to describe fractions. the numerator is the number ABOVE the line. and the denominator is the number BELOW the line.

What is the line above the total called?

The line above the total is called the subtotal. It is referred to as above-the-line. It does not include deductions or taxes.

How to find the attitude of a triangle?

If you mean "altitude", and by that you mean the height of the top of the triangle above its base, then draw a line from the top of the triangle to the base, at right angles to the base, and measure that line. Alternately, the height of a triangle above its base is twice the area divided by the base length.

Who is next in line above a priest?

the abbot is next in line above the priest

How do you read a gauge that is on top of a oil tank?

bottom of gauge as there is room above full line for bobber to go which would mean if top of bobber is above full line than your tank is more than full

What does a line over a Roman Numeral mean?

It means that the numeral is to be multiplied by a thousand. For example, X = 10 but with a line over X it would be 10,000. A horizontal line above a numeral means that it should be multiplied by a thousand so VII with a line above it represents 7000, it can also be written as (VII)

What is c with a line in roman numeral?

C with a line above it or (C) within brackets both mean that the numerals is to be multiplied by a thousand which in this case is equivalent to 100,000