This answer is going to sound a little weird, but I'm going to try not to use the word 'assume'.
This is making a statement about a variable or function or mathematical property without knowing if that is the correct statement. It is typically used in proofs. Often we will try to prove something is not true, so we assume that it is true. That means we make a statement that 'it is true'. Then proceed with if it's true, what else is true, or what will happen if this is true. If this leads to a contradiction, then you can say that the original assumption was incorrect.
What does length mean in math
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
the mean is the average
What does > mean?
The word "mean" in math means the same thing as average. Mean is just a nickname for average.
I think it's an assumption that based on stereotype like, most Asians that you've met are good at math but infact they're not all good at math, you're just being stereotypical because many people thought Asians are good at math and that's just an assumption because it hasn't been proven that they are all good at math. a bit confusing Hope i explained it right :P
The question is based on a faulty assumption.
When someone calls a statement a "valid assumption" they mean that it is probably true.
My assumption is Shuckle is what you mean, and the answer is no
What does length mean in math
It means to proof with a statement that is assumed true and if the assumption leads to an impossibility, then the statement is false and you have to create a new one. You use variables, its not necessary to use numbers and make a real equation. -ccs
what does key mean in math
On the assumption you mean gille it means 'lad, boy'.
It means to make an assumption or guess.
TrueIt is true that the body of an indirect proof you must show that the assumption leads to a contradiction. In math a proof is a deductive argument for a mathematical statement.
TrueIt is true that the body of an indirect proof you must show that the assumption leads to a contradiction. In math a proof is a deductive argument for a mathematical statement.
she needs help in math.