carbon copy, meaning sending the same thing to another person. cc = carbon copy bcc = blind carbon copy
carbon copy
Carbon Copy Carbon Copy
If you mean cc as in from a motorbike it stands for centimetres cubed. It is a unit of Volume. 1 cc = 1 ml
"carbon copy" it means a copy of the letter was sent to someone other than the person it was addressed to.
It's probably someones initials.
carbon copy
Carbon Copy Carbon Copy
Carson City mint.
at the bottom of the letter after your name. example: Sincerely, Your name cc
CC mean chaircar
Comfort Coupé
it means cc dahh
If you mean cc as in from a motorbike it stands for centimetres cubed. It is a unit of Volume. 1 cc = 1 ml
It is important to sign a cc letter. That is because the recipients still need to know whether the source of the letter is authentic.
Always a CC Letter goes on a Letter head. Because it is a official letter it should go on a Letter head for legitimate identification.
The term cc means carbon copy. Originally it meant a copy that was made with the use of carbon paper. Today there are other, and more efficient ways of copying letters, but we still use the term cc.
what do you mea cc?