s=1 r=2 a=4 e=8 w=6
ears=8ars=84rs=842s=8421 swear=1wear= 16ear= 168ar= 1684r= 16842
+ 8421
put a banana in your ear a banana in my ear you would be so happy if you dont live your life in fear put a banana in your ear ... i would rather keep my ear clear its true says who
paint, ear, beer
look in their ear. you will find it there.
Eustachian tubes
yo moma so stupid she put a quarter in her ear AND BROKE MY NECK
tagalog- tenga-pugad-dalawa english- ear-nest-two answer- ernesto by coldchaindrummer@y.c
pear, bear, tear, wear, swear, underwear, tearing.
left ear
what does e.a.r stand for in first aid' what does e.a.r stand for in first aid'
EAR stands for Effective Annual Rate, which is the annual interest rate accounting for compounding over a given period. CPR stands for Constant Prepayment Rate, which is a measure used in mortgage-backed securities to estimate the rate at which borrowers will prepay their loans.
no obvious sound for ear rectum
why does the ear of my poodle puppy stand up
Expressive-Active Recreation
estimated average requirement (for each nutrient)
Here today, gone tomorrow. H + ear (ere) : calendar = today : g + on = gone : 2 + morrow = tomorrow.
The normal ear pressure should be between plus 50 and negative 150 decapascals. These results mean that there is no fluid present in the ear.
Ear nose throat