Eight hundred and forty thousand = 840,000
Six hundred million forty-three thousand two hundred one = 600,043,201
in numbers it would be: 40,000 + 5,000 + 1 = 45,001 In words it would be: forty thousand + five thousand + one = forty five thousand and one. [or] forty thousand plus five thousand plus one equals forty five thousand and one.
Forty-five thousand one. The answer above is incorrect. In numbers it would be: 40,000 + 5,000 + 1 = 45,001 In words it is: forty thousand + five thousand + one = 45,001 [or] Forty - five thousand and one or for advanced it would be: forty thousand plus five thousand plus one equals forty five thousand and one.
Three hundred thousand: 300,000 Forty three thousand: 43,000 Just in case you were asking for "three hundred forty three thousand": 343,000
Eight hundred and forty thousand = 840,000
Six hundred million forty-three thousand two hundred one = 600,043,201
"Forty thousand" in numbers is "40,000"
we can write forty thousand five hundred seven in numerical form like this:40507.
40,000 = forty thousand 7 = seven 40,007
$47,646. (BTW, if you say and, that usually means decimal. Say it like this: Forty-seven thousand, six hundred forty six dollars. )
In numbers forty thousand dollars is $40,000 Physically, it would depend upon how it was made up. Using 1 cent coins there would be a heap of 4,000,000 (4 million) of them, whereas if made up of $20 bills, it would be a pile of 2,000 (two thousand) of them.
Three thousand forty = 3,040
Fort-two thousand.