"il est dix heures et demi"
If you mean a ten dollar bill ripped in half than absolutely nothing. No place would accept it.
6:30 i suppose
Half past ten is 30 minutes after 10 o'clock. (10:30)
Quarter to 10.
one hour and ten minuts
Half past ten either in the morning or at night. So half an hour (30 minutes) before 11 o'clock. If on a 24 hour clock then 10:30 at night is known as 22:30
Ten minutes past six.
30 minutes after the hour. "Its half past 1." it's 1:30!
Diez y media means "ten-thirty" in Spanish. It refers to the time of 10:30 on a clock or watch.
30 minutes past the hour.
Eight minutes after ten o'clock.
half past ten o'clock
Son las diez y media.