Two angles are congruent if they both measure exactly the same number of degrees.
Two line segments are congruent if they both have exactly the same length.
congruent segments are the same segments.
Line segments are congruent if they have the same length
Congruent Segments (sides) : Segments that are of the same lengths.
First, lines and rays cannot be congruent because they do not have both end points defined. Not having an end point define means we cannot talk about their length so they can't be congruent. Line segments, however, can be congruent. Congruent line segments NEED NOT be parallel.Furthermore, if two line segments are parallel, that does not mean they are congruent since parallel line segments may not have the same length.Congruent line segments would be ones that are the same length.
In general, they are not congruent.
a square or rhombus
Yes - in the case of angles or line segments, congruent means they have the same measure.
It means to divide it into two congruent (equal measure) segments, or angles.
They are congruent.
A midpoint is a point that divides a segment into two congruent segments. A angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles.
That the two segments are equal.
constructing congruent angles
straight line,triangle,rays angles
It could be any number of polygons with 4 or more sides.
congruent segments are the same segments.