Knackered has several meanings from the the benign meaning of exhausted to the more explicit idea of being sexually spent. More meanings can be found in urban dictionaries.
There isn't a mean because it is one number.
he mean of ten numbers is 58. If one of the numbers is 40, what is the mean of the other nine?
'One of my friends' or 'one of my followers'
It is 1.000021 if you mean 1 and 21 millionths or 1.000020 if you mean 1 and 20 one-millionths.
No. But there can be more than one data point which has the same value as the mean for the set of numbers. Or there can be none that take the mean value.
it means your tired
Possibly injury and over a long period of time not like 4-5 years, I mean at least a few decades your joints will be knackered
A 'kid' , when one means a 'child'. A 'kid' is an immature goat.
In rhyming Cockney:Christmas crackers = knackers (testicles)Christmas crackered - knackered (worn out, exhausted, broken, etc)Click on the link below for more infoChristmas or cream crackers is rhyming slang for knackers (testes) eg the ball hit me right in the Christmas crackers.Christmas Crackered (not crackers) is rhyming slang for knackered (or tired)
Out of breath. Flushed Close to passing out Knackered.
cause its knackered
A nonspecific calf injury. If your calf is knackered then you have calf-knack. It is a colloquialism from Britain.
knackered, i decided to get up early for paint balling on the day the clocks go forward
As far as I'm aware knackered is a religious slang term for Jesus on the cross and was classed as a swear word even in Victorian times. It would appear that its conitation has changed over time and its meaning diluted; therefore no longer is classed by the masses as Swearing. Try it in Church!
Say you're knackered. It'll score you some points with the British crowd.