

Best Answer

it means very normal

normal varies between 2 and 50

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Q: What does it mean when your thyroglobulin level is 2.9?
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At level 29 zubat or Golbat learns the move Mean look.

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If you mean evolve, 29 then 40. If you mean what level can you catch it at, 15-18.

What is normal level for thyroglobulin?

The normal level for thyroglobulin is: 0 - 34 ug/L for patients who still have their thyroid gland 0 - 3 ug/L for patients following surgical removal and thyroid ablation\ Hope that helped

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An antithyroglobulin is an antibody which targets thyroglobulin.

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Golbat learns Mean Look at level 33. However, it is easier to get Zubat up to level 29, it'll learn it, then evolve :)

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How are thyroid hormones stored?

They are stored in the colloid as the protein thyroglobulin. Thyroglobulin is essentially T3 and T4 linked together into a protein.

What large molecule is broken down by thyroid cells to produce thyroid hormones?

Thyroglobulin is the large molecule broken down by thyroid cells to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid peroxidase enzymes help in this process by cleaving thyroglobulin to release thyroid hormones like thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

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There's no teaching of it required because it learns it at Level 29.

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Level 29 - 135636