Usually it means 2,000,000 units of currency, e.g. dollars.
If you are referring to a "cleaver," the answer is no. It is a noun, referring to a kind of large knife that is used to cut items like meat. The noun "cleaver" can become a verb: to cleave; but it is not commonly used these days. On the other hand, if you are trying to spell the word "clever," this is an adjective, referring to someone who is skillful and talented.
maybe but if you have a great job you will have a whole lot of money and a good fuiture
It seems to mean a lot of money. Referring to the number of decimals in a large amount of money. ex. "I earned a pack of zeros at that gig"
To be worth a mint means to have a significant amount of wealth or value, often referring to a large sum of money or assets. It implies being extremely rich or valuable.
When referring to business or money, chicken feed means a small or insignificant amount of money.
Usually it means 2,000,000 units of currency, e.g. dollars.
I Believe large refers to thousands, not 100% sure though...
Large, other than referring to literal size, can mean a thousand dollars, as in: "He wasted 25 large on an engagement ring for a woman who ran off with his best friend.)
When referring to a play, it means that it is actually worth taking the time and money to produce on stage.
It depends on how you mean it. If you are referring to government legislature, the word is "Assemblée" If you are referring to a large meeting (such as you would have at a school), the word is "Réunion" If you are referring to the act of assembling a machine or similar, the word is "Assemblage".
Currency is money
I Believe large refers to thousands, not 100% sure though...
what does "doing the horse" for money mean