LCM means lowest common multiple
The lowest common multiple of the given numbers is 630
It is 70
Not sure what lmc is but LCM(24, 28) = 168
All numbers is important to math because without numbers, there is no math.
Least Common Multiple
Long motor corporation
Long Motor Company
LCM means lowest common multiple
Not sure what an lmc might be but LCM(12, 15, 8) = 120
30 :D
There is no such thing as an LMC in mathematics. There is an LCM, but that requires at least two numbers. There is only one in the question.
None. But 4 and 6 have a LCM (not LMC) of 12 and HCF of 2.
LCM I mean
The number with the middle value in the group of numbers you have.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
At least 2 or more numbers are needed to find the LCM