the amount of water in the pool (volume) somthing like that
In math best
Math is related to math because math(1) is technically math(2) itself, because there is really no description how math(1) is the same as math(2). There is only one math, except for types of math, like algebra.
Math is not just math you have to study it like subtration and addition. You use it on sheets or paper work.
a math book is were u learn math
The swimmers are timed down to the second. That is math. The events are in meters that is math.
Both mathematics and swimming have a deep end which is not for the uninitiated. In the shallows, both mathematics and swimming are easy.
Math used in swimming * How long you swim , the length in metres or kilometres. * How long (time) it takes you to swim the length. HTH(Hope this helps) fr Aj
It can be used to measure the efficiency of your strokes.
the amount of water in the pool (volume) somthing like that
Everything, arodynamics, times, stroke form, diving. And math too.
Music, Swimming, Dance, Math, Foreign language
Say what you like to do, for example, hiking, reading, swimming, camping, singing, history, math science, etc.
Math, Icelandic, English, Danish, Geography, History, P.E, Art, Construction(?), Swimming, physics, biology.. I think that's it. In some schools they can pick more things like French, Spanish, Drama.. etc.
It's not really mathematical, generally you might need to think like "Breathe once, after 2 Strokes" Which you keep counting that goes under the concept Math. But nonetheless I don't think Swimming is much mathematical.
well if you wnat to be a health teacher or a gym teacher you should probably be certified in CPR and if you want to be a gym teacher and teach swimming then you HAVE to be a certified lifeguard (just in case)
From Latin, ad (for) plus aptus (fit or qualified); combining form. Sentence use; 'she is very adept at swimming'; he is adept at math.