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Memory is a function that is part of nearly all basic four-function and scientific calculators. The memory is basically a variable that can be used to store a single number separately from the one on the screen, for later recall.

The buttons used to manipulate the memory usually have these labels (not all calculators have them):

M+ Adds the number on the screen to the one in the memory.

M- Subtracts the number on the screen from the one in the memory. On calculators with no M- button, you can do this by negating the number and pressing M+

MR (or RCL) Enters the number in the memory onto the screen.

MRC Pressing this once is the same as MR. Pressing it twice will clear the memory.

MS (or STO, M=>) Stores the number on screen into the memory, overwriting whatever number is already in the memory.

Garphing and CAS calculators don't have a single 'memory' variable, but will allow you to store numbers into arbitrarily named variables like x using commands similar to:

Define x = 5 x := 5 5 -> xStores 5 into the variable x.

x Displays the value of x on screen.

x ² + 5 x - 14 What use would a CAS calculator be if you couldn't use x in an expression?

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How do you use the m buttons on a calculator?

These buttons work with the calculator's memory, which stores one number: MC = Memory Clear sets the memory to 0 MR = Memory Recall uses the number in memory, acts as if you had keyed in that number yourself MS = Memory Store puts the number on the display into the memory M+ = Memory Add takes the number on the display, adds it to the memory, and puts the result into memory The buttons can be handy for doing repeated calculations with a single number. For instance, if you wanted to multiply a bunch of numbers by pi, you could key in the following: 3.14159.. MS (stores the number) 4 x MR = (gives you 4 times pi) 25 x 25 x MR = (gives you 25x25 times pi) The M+ button can be handy for figuring out complicated expressions if you don't happen to have a scientific calculator. For example, to calculate (5 x 6) + (12 x 2) + (3 x 7), you can do the following: 5 x 6 = (calculator says 30) MS (stores 30 in memory) 12 x 2 = (calculator says 24) M+ (takes 24, adds it to 30, stores result 54 in memory) 3 x 7 = (21) M+ (takes 54, adds 21, stores the result 75) MR (displays the result 75)

What does M mean on a calculator?

Memory. It's the button that saves your current number, and when you press MRC, or Memory ReCall, the number is restored, giving you a great way to add two products if you have a basic calculator, or to do otherwise impossible equations that have many separate parts.

Does solving math problems on a calculator use memory?

Yes, solving math problems on a Scientific calculator does use memory.