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That comes from the Latin metrum, meaning "measure." Thermo means heat.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

In this context, it means something that measures.

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Q: What does meter mean thermometer?
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What does the word meter in thermometer mean?


What does the meter in thermometer mean?

The meter in a thermometer typically indicates the temperature of the object or environment being measured. It provides a quantitative reading of the thermal level, usually in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius, to give an accurate representation of the heat or cold present.

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A thermometer and light meter are the most useful when measuring two environmental changes.

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The instrument used to measure temperature is called a thermometer.

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Meter = measuring instrument as in barometer, thermometer, etcMetre (or US meter) = measurement unit for distance.

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measuring heat..."thermo" as in "thermal" means heat, and a meter is a measuring a thermo-meter or a thermometer is a device that measures heat.

Why was the thermometer given its name?

thermo- prefix = temperature/heat -meter suffix = measure thermometer = measure temperature

How many words can you make out of thermometer?

mom , meter , term , the ,

What is the meaning of the root word meter?

The root word "meter" refers to measurement or something that measures. It is commonly used in words related to measuring length, such as thermometer or barometer.