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I'm pretty sure that's military slang for naval aviators...when they have to shoot down like a hijacked plane or something.

Nines in the nose is military slang that intimates close quarters rules of engagement referring a drawn 9mm pistol at point blank range (in an enemies face). I believe 9mm are still carried by pilots on missions as a service weapon in the event of a shoot-down or ejection in hostile territory.

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If you mean only using nines then 99.

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The Nines - band - was created in 1998.

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Ninety-Nines was created in 1929.

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Burchfield Nines was created in 1978.

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"The Law of Nines" by Terry Goodkind has approximately 528 pages.

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How many nines are in 68?

7 nines, with 5 left over.

How many nines in fifty-four?

There are six!