The number 108619 can be written as one hundred eight thousand, six hundred nineteen. Therefore the 0 in this number will represent the ten thousand place.
To write 5.06 in word form, you would say "five and six hundredths." This is because the number 5 represents the whole number part, the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, and the numbers after the decimal point represent the fraction of the whole number.
7632.778 = seven thousand six hundred thirty-two and seven hundred seventy-eight thousandths.
You write "six and a half hours" as 6.5 hours. Mathematically, that's the correct way to represent a number with a decimal point. So, there you have it - no need to complicate things!
How do you use an exponent to represent a number such as 16
It is the successor to the number six.
It is in the tens position, so it is 60.
its positional place value is 600 = six hundred
d + 6good luck, And ur welcome:):):):):)
six thousandths
it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number
The number 108619 can be written as one hundred eight thousand, six hundred nineteen. Therefore the 0 in this number will represent the ten thousand place.
6 centimetres does represent 0.00006 kilometres.
Periods represent the number of shells in a particular element
To write 5.06 in word form, you would say "five and six hundredths." This is because the number 5 represents the whole number part, the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, and the numbers after the decimal point represent the fraction of the whole number.
You represent a repeating number by putting a dash on top of the number. For example 56.1066666 you represent it by putting a dash on top of the 6
y + 6 + 6 = 15 15-6-6 = y 9-6 = y 3 = y