Odds of 9-2 means that for every 2$ you bet you will get 9$ if you win, and nothing otherwise.
-Opposites of evens. -odds can also mean the chances of something happening.
None but if you mean 4 into 92 then it is 23 times
Odds of 2-1 mean that person offering the odds is moderately confident that the event in question will happen. If they offer 2-1, and you bet £/$ 10, if the event happens you would win £/$ 20 and the £/$ 10 that you bet on the event. So in total you would get £/$ 30 back.
It means the silver is 92% pure, i.e. 92% silver and 8% other metals.
score of 92
Your "odds" are your likelihood or probability of winning.
-Opposites of evens. -odds can also mean the chances of something happening.
you mean 2 times 92? Result: 184
it means odds ratio
Being "at odds" with someone means disagreeing or quarrelling with that person. "At odds" indicates some kind of variance or conflict. One can even be "at odds" with oneself, struggling over an internal conflict.
For 2 to 39 odds of winning;Probability of winning:0.95122, or;Chance of winning:95.12%
its 26+57+92=175..........:)
I suppose you mean, the couple already has 2 girls. In this case, the odds are about 50%. If the couple already has 6 boys and no girls, the odds are about 50%. If the couple has a boy and a girl, the odds are about 50. If the couple doesn't have children yet, the odds are about 50%.
It means that the odds are 4 to 1 against winning. This would translate into a 20% chance of winning.