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If the diameter of a circle is 1 then its circumference is pi. The value of pi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938.... The earliest evidenced conscious use of an accurate approximation for the length of a circumference with respect to its radius is of 3+1/7th in the designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids in Egypt. Until the second millennium, it was known to fewer than 10 decimal digits.

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Q: What does pi represent?
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Does pi represent a finite or infinite number?

Pi is an irrational number. As such, it has an infinite number of digits.

What does pi actually represent?

Generally, Pi is used to represent the rate of change of the circumference of a circle as it's diameter increases. This can be shown using the equation [circumference = Pi * diameter], that is the circumference of a circle is always Pi times larger than it's diameter.

What do we use the pi symbol to represent a number?

Because pi is an irrational number that has an infinite amount of digits

Can pi be negative?

No. Pi is a set number, if it were negative (-3.14159...) it would not represent the ratio of radius to circumference.

Where can you see a pi?

It is a Greek letter used to represent the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference so you can see 'pi' (not a pi)in any circle.

In math why does pi represent 3.14?

Pi does not represent 3.14. Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is an irrational number. 3.14 is but the crudest approximation of pi. A better approximation is 3.1416. Still better is 3.14159. The closest approximation commonly used in real-world applilcations is 3.14159262. If anything, 3.14 represents pi, and represents it very imprecisely. As for why the term "pi" was chosen to represent this important concept in mathematics, it was chosen because it is the initial letter of the greek word for "perimeter".

Is pi a number?

Technically pi is two letters put together to form a word. How ever, the word "pi" does represent the number 3.14159265... (or simply 3.14).

What is the symoble for pi?

I don't know how to represent the symbol here on WikiAnswers, but you can see it here:

Which ratio is called pi?

"Pi" is the symbol almost always used to represent the ratioof the circumference of any circle to its diameter.

What does the Greek letter pi represent?

The number 22/7=3.14159

How do you represent the circumference of a circle as a function of its diameter?

Circumference = pi*diameter.

How you can represent pi on real line?

it is not possible to do that as pi does not have a particular value.. Other irrational nos. can be written in root form but this cannot be..!