"Plaque" on a watch case typically refers to a layer of gold or another precious metal that has been applied to the surface through a process like electroplating. The "g" likely stands for grams, indicating the weight of the gold used in the plating process. The measurement of "20 microns" refers to the thickness of the gold layer, with one micron equaling one-millionth of a meter. This measurement indicates the quality and durability of the gold plating on the watch case.
On a watch case, plaque OR G 20 microns means that the case is solid gold. The 20 micron relates to the thickness of the gold plating.
I assume you mean what is a hundredth of a millimetre. There are 1000 microns in a millimetre. This means 1/100 of a mm, i.e. 0.01 mm is 10 microns.
What does 753 on a gold watch mean
The 7 in this case would be a modifier in this case this would mean .0000001
"k", in this case, may mean "kilo", that is, "times thousand".
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Plaque is Plated, 925 means 925 Silver and is G 20M is 20 microns or "thickness" of the plating. The same would apply for Gold plating
"Plaque OR g 10 microns" typically refers to the plating of the medal. It suggests that the medal has either undergone a plating process or has a gold plating of 10 microns thickness. The "OR" indicates that it could be either of these options.
Marking on jewelry, watch cases, or pens. Plaque is plating, lamine is mechanically applied, such as American "Gold Filled" and 20 microns is thickness of precious metal, fondacier inox means base metal is stainless steel. For example, plaque OR G 20 fondacier inox would mean a 20 micron plating of gold (French word is OR) on stainless steel.
"Plaque OR g 20 microns" likely refers to the thickness of the gold plating on the clock. The term "20 microns" specifies the thickness of the gold layer, which is a common measurement unit for plating thickness. The "OR" indicates that the gold plating could be either a layer of gold (plaque) or a certain grade (g) of gold, with 20 microns being the thickness in either case.
2c microns on jewelry refers to the thickness of the gold plating on the piece. In this case, the gold plating is 2 microns thick, indicating a higher quality and longer-lasting finish compared to thinner plating.
I assume you mean, how many microns in 0.0015mm. Well there are 1000 microns in a millimetre. In order to convert mm to microns, you have to multiply by 1000. 0.0015mmx1000 is 1.5 microns.
What does plaque mean
I assume you mean 0.2 inches here. This is 5080um
I assume you mean .076, otherwise your question makes little sense as structured. There are 1000 microns in a millimetre. Therefore 0.076x1000 gives you 76 microns.
In French, the word "plaque" can be translated to mean a plate, a sign, or a patch of something.
You cannot directly compare length with volume so I assume you mean millimetre. 0.5 microns is 0.0005 millimetres
"une plaque d'immatriculation" is a registration number plate (for your car) in French.